It is July 31st 2024. I have left this on my desktop since writing it in March. I decided not to publish it because I thought and still do think that no one will care nor wish to read it. So today I am going to publish it. If anyone does read this could you please leave a comment, good or bad it'll be ok. Well, that's not true. If the comment is cruel it'll be sad but maybe it will be justified. I am not good with criticism so maybe it's time I learned. goes...I'm sending it...
Preface (warning): this post is unrelated to travel and is not a really a fun read. In it I talk about my struggle with alcohol and drugs. Comments are welcome!
Today I am staying home. I am now really living in France. That is to say I have stopped feeling as if I must be out sightseeing. Today I am writing and processing photos. I have found a great online English speaking AA meeting.
Todays’, discussion concerned mental illness and a higher power, two topics that can cause more than a few people to stop going to meetings.
I figure this, if I poisoned my brain for half my life it is no wonder there was a little damage done. As to a Higher Power this has always been an easy one for me. I am sure most people have thought about the origins of our world and of its end. I don’t need to have studied philosophy to know that something far greater than me must be creating all this. Even if everything is simply a dream something is doing the dreaming. I could go on about this but why. Those books have already been written.
I have, as yet, to talk much about being in AA in my writing. I have been afraid to let others know and that breaking my silence on this subject would make others turn away from me. This is the same fear that has gripped me when I was drinking and drugging. I am now 66 years old. I think it's time to remove the shackles of silence regarding my addiction. I am now coming up on my second ten year anniversary. This means that I have been sober for a total of 21 years of my life. Having started drinking at 15 means that I was destroying myself for just about 30 years. It’s hard to overcome 30 years of personal destruction or any personalized destruction for that matter. Over the years I have created and destroyed. I have created wealth only to lose it. Families, only to abandon them. Jobs, only to see them flitter away like birds flying south. I have plunged deep into the oceans as a diver, flown high into the unfettered sky as a pilot. I have taught young people things they needed to know and things they didn’t. I have sailed, piloted ships and built houses. During all of this I drank or anesthetized myself during most of it. When I should have been attending the important functions of life I thought it wiser to drink. The list is long and ominous as to the days of my life that I have wasted.
However, that is not the point of this episode of the “life and times of Geoffrey Huppé”. Being here in France, taking the day off to write this is the point.
This is the point: I am now clean and sober for almost a solid ten years. When I put the drink down I began recovering from the destruction. Life is so much better. I have had to change.
I know that I don’t handle difficult situations well. I realize that I am afraid of certain people . Usually people who are in authority. I have come to realize that things in my early childhood did not help me and certainly hindered my maturation. I do not choose to go into detail on this. I have already said more than I really think I should have. I have such a great fear of disappointing others that even a whisper of it will close me down.
I have spent so much time beating up on myself that I have come to a point in my life that I simply don’t know what my next steps should be. I tend to be scattered these days. Now that I am clean I want so much to retrieve that which was lost. I have always loved science and art. I was ridiculed as a child if I did well in science. I was supposed to be a liberal arts academic like my father. However, that was never going to be it for me. People thought I was good at art but I didn’t think so and never followed through despite it being the only thing I was ever any good at. So I have found myself taking up photography and drawing. The photography combines art and science so I love it. The drawing is fun as long as I do not take myself too seriously. If I take myself seriously I see how bad I am at it and I give up. I do not want to give up at the art. So I have begun a new challenge for myself and that is to truly follow through with improving my photography/artistic skills. If I can somehow tell myself that it is ok to fail then I will be alright. If I go back to the self criticism that I hold on to it just will not fly.
When I became an airline pilot at 42 years old I simply made a decision that that is what I was going to do. I did not give myself an alternative. I believe this is how I must approach the photography and art. I can not give myself an out. I also believe that it is the right way to live out the remaining years of my life. It would be a wonder to create something beautiful before I move on.